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How does sens use BehaviorTech to gather deeper insights into market research, and what advantages does this approach provide compared to more traditional market research methods?

sens uses BehaviorTech to interpret and piece together non-verbal cues and signals to gain deeper insights into market research. This approach provides several advantages compared to traditional methods of market research. Firstly, it is more objective and efficient, requiring less effort than traditional methods such as focus groups and interviews. Secondly, it provides more reliable data, as it corrects for unconscious and subconscious biases that may affect the accuracy of the data collected through traditional methods.

Can you walk us through a specific case study or example of how sens was able to use BehaviorTech to help a client achieve a specific marketing objective?

In a B2B environment, sens used digital avatar interviews to collect customer satisfaction data from clients. This data revealed that despite a reported satisfaction rate of 82.5%, 52% of clients would actually choose to change their brand if given the choice. This information changed the board-level conversation and competitor positioning. The digital avatar interviews provided the truth that was previously missing from the conversation.

How does sens ensure that the data collected is reliable and accurate, and what steps are taken to mitigate potential biases or errors?

sens collects data digitally, which helps ensure its reliability. Additionally, the company uses the right algorithms and scientific methods to correct for unconscious and subconscious biases. sens also maintains a solid and clean database, making it easier to manage and control data quality.

How does sens use data analysis and visualization tools to communicate insights and recommendations to clients, and how does this approach differ from more traditional consulting methods?

sens uses data analysis and visualization tools to communicate insights and recommendations to clients in a way that is clear and easy to understand. This approach differs from traditional consulting methods, which often involve lengthy reports that may be difficult for clients to digest.

How does sens stay up to date with the latest developments in the world of marketing, and what steps are taken to continually improve the company’s offerings in this area?

sens works closely with clients, testing and observing what competitors are doing. The company also partners with technology companies to stay up to date with the latest developments in the market research field. Additionally, sens is constantly improving its offerings through client feedback and continuous testing.

Describe a hypothetical situation where a client in a particular industry would benefit significantly from using sens’ services, and how the company would go about providing value in that scenario?

A client trying to build a consumer engagement platform with a loyalty scheme would benefit significantly from using our services. sens would test the platform’s user experience, offers, and pricing in 30-day cycles to rapidly improve the B2C offer. Additionally, sens would test every tweak made to the platform to ensure it is valued by the consumer. This approach would provide better, cheaper, and faster market research to the client, leading to more informed decision-making.

How does sens differentiate itself from other companies offering similar problem-solving, and what unique strengths does the company bring to the table?

sens differentiates itself by using BehaviorTech to collect more reliable and accurate data than traditional market research methods. Additionally, the company is constantly improving its offerings through client feedback and testing, ensuring that clients receive the best possible service.

Can you discuss how sens approaches ethical considerations when it comes to using BehaviorTech, and what steps are taken to ensure that data privacy and other important concerns are addressed?

sens designs its products with the 4 Es – efficacy, efficiency, experience, and ethics – in mind. The company goes beyond GDPR requirements to ensure that data privacy and other important concerns are addressed. sens ensures that people are not identifiable, and data is not kept at the consumer level. Additionally, the company only collects non-verbal cues that are stripped out after analysis. sens builds ethical considerations into its products from day one, ensuring that its clients receive reliable and accurate data in a responsible manner.

Can you provide an example of a time when sens was able to help a client make a critical business decision based on insights gleaned through sens’ analysis?

A client may have been unsure about whether to launch a new product or service. By testing the product or service through rapid cycles of testing and improvement using sens’ technology, the client was able to gain valuable feedback from consumers and make an informed decision. This approach enables sens to provide clients with reliable data that informs decision-making and leads to more successful outcomes.

Can you speak to the overall impact that sens has had on the field of market research and marketing, and how the company’s approach to using BehaviorTech has contributed to this impact?

sens has had a significant impact on the field of market research and marketing by disrupting traditional methods and introducing a more reliable and efficient way of gathering data through the use of BehaviorTech. The company’s approach has enabled clients to make more informed decisions based on reliable data, leading to better outcomes and more successful businesses. Additionally, sens’ use of digital avatar interviews has democratized the consumer voice, enabling people to share their true feelings and opinions in a way that was previously impossible.

What is the sens team most enthusiastic about?

We are super enthusiastic about the impact that our technology is having on the field of market research and marketing. The company is committed to constantly improving its offerings and staying at the forefront of the industry. Additionally, sens believes that its approach to using BehaviorTech has the potential to transform the way that businesses interact with their customers, enabling them to build better products and services that truly meet consumers’ needs.